Number 1
Hawke, R.M.; McConchie, J.A. Bedload transport in a meltwater stream, Miers Valley, Antarctica: controls and prediction. (pages 1-18)
Hawke, R.M.; Watts, L.F.; McConchie, J.A. Efficient and effective irrigation in the Wairarapa: results from field monitoring. (pages 19-42)
White, P.A.; Sharp, B.M.H.; Kerr, G.N. Economic valuation of the Waimea Plains groundwater system. (pages 59-76)
Fahey, B.; Watson, A.; Payne, J. Water loss from plantations of Douglas-fir and radiata pine on the Canterbury Plains, South Island, New Zealand. (pages 77-96)
Number 2
Connell, R.J.; Pearson, C.P. Two-component extreme value distribution applied to Canterbury annual maximum flood peaks (pages 105-127)
McKerchar, A.I.; Macky, G.H. Comparison of a regional method for estimating design floods with two rainfall-based methods. (pages 129-138)
Chinn, T.J. Distribution of the glacial water resources of New Zealand. (pages 139-187)
Kompani-Zare, M.; Moore, F. Chemical thermometry and origin of the Dalaki mineral springs, Bushehr Province, Iran. (pages 189-204)
Vidovich, M.M.; McConchie, J.A.; Schiess, S. The effectiveness of natural attenuation to remediate BTEX contamination in unconfined sand/gravel aquifers: An investigation of two sites. (pages 205-217)