Number 1
Boughton, W.C. Planning the development of water resources (pages 1-13)
Pemberton, G. Integrated river basin development and regional planning in New Zealand (pages 14-20)
Fleming, P.M. The Australian Representative Basins Programme (pages 21-31)
Fitzgerald, P.D. The estimation of soil moisture deficits by Penman's and Thornthwaite's method in Mid Canterbury (pages 32-40)
Hayward J.A.; Sutherland A.J. The Torlesse Stream vortex-tube sediment trap (pages 41-53)
Dreaver, K.R.; Hutchinson, P. Random and systematic errors in precipitation at an exposed site (pages 54-63)
Number 2
Hunt, B.W.; Wilson, D.D. Graphical calculation of aquifer transmissivities in Northern Canterbury, New Zealand (pages 66-80)
Donaldson, I.G. Underground waters of the Lower Hutt - A model study (pages 81-97)
Fitzharris, B.B. Land-use change and the water balance- An example of an evapotranspiration simulation model (pages 98-115)
O'Loughlin, C. The effect of timber removal on the stability of forest soils (pages 121-134)
Eyles, R.J. Stream channel measurements in New Zealand (Note) (pages 135-138)
Stratford, R.P; Costello, E.J. Solar heating to prevent freezing in recording raingauges (pages 139-141)