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New Zealand Hydrological Society Awards

In line with their mission to support and foster hydrology in New Zealand and elsewhere, and to enable NZHS members to receive advanced training in hydrological sciences, NZHS annually presents several student and non-student awards to its members. A listing of all the awards is available below.



For award details, criteria, nomination forms and a list of previous winners, please click on the "Award Details & Winners" button underneath each award title.

For further details, contact the Society administration:

PO Box 12300 Thorndon, Wellington 6144

Life Members

1981 – Pat Grant

1998 – Horace Freestone

2004 – Paul Mosley

2015 – Lindsay Rowe

2022 – Barry Fahey

Life Members

Outstanding Achievement Award

Award certificate and a medal presented at the Society’s Annual Conference.
Recipient’s name recorded in the Society’s Archives.

Services to the New Zealand Hydrological Society Award

Award certificate and a medal presented at the Society’s Annual Conference.
Recipient’s name recorded in the Society’s Archives.

Early Career Scientist Award

Award certificate and $500 presented at the Society's Annual Conference.
Recipient’s name recorded in the Society’s Archives.

Achievement in Operational Hydrology Award

Award certificate and a medal presented at the Society’s Annual Technical Workshop.
Recipient’s name recorded in the Society’s Archives.

Emerging Technician Award

Award certificate presented at the Society’s Annual Technical Workshop and a sponsored opportunity to present at the proceeding AHA conference.
Recipient’s name recorded in the Society’s Archives.

About NZHS

Our mission is to support and foster hydrology in New Zealand and elsewhere, and to enable NZHS members to receive advanced training in hydrological sciences. NZHS annually presents several student and non-student awards to its members recognising the outstanding contributions of our members to New Zealand hydrology.

Contact Info

New Zealand Hydrological Society

PO Box 12300, Thorndon,
Wellington 6144

Phone: 03 928 0620


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