About the Society
The New Zealand Hydrological Society (Incorporated) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1961.
Our Mission
To further the science of hydrology and its application to the understanding and management of New Zealand's water resources by:
Promoting hydrological research
Promoting education in all aspects of hydrology.
Disseminating information through the publication of scientific journal newsletters and other appropriate means
Hosting meetings and conferences for the interchange of research findings, information, and experience.
Any other activities considered appropriate by the Executive from time to time.

Who are we?
We are a mix of New Zealand and overseas individuals and subscribing organisations with an interest in water and its wise use. We are scientists, technicians, consultants, hydrologists, engineers, biologists, hydrogeologists, climatologists, teachers, students, resource managers, policymakers, and others.
What do we do?
Run symposia and workshops
Produce books on hydrological topics that are relevant to New Zealanders
Publish the Journal of Hydrology (New Zealand) twice a year
Produce the Society's newsletter, Current, 2 or 3 times per year.
Make scientific and strategy submissions to the New Zealand government
Partly fund appropriate travel grants for members
Why join?
Gain access to the latest New Zealand hydrological information
Receive the Society's Journal and newsletter (Current)
Access the discussion listserver with 550+ society members
Participate in upcoming Society symposia and workshops
How do you reach us?
New Zealand Hydrological Society
PO Box 12300, Thorndon,
Wellington 6144, New Zealand
Email: admin@hydrologynz.org.nz
Phone: 03 928 0620