NZHS Grants
Grant Application Procedures
In carrying out its mission to "further the science of hydrology and its application to the understanding and management of New Zealand's water resources" and to raise the profile of hydrology in New Zealand, the New Zealand Hydrological Society (Society) makes three types of grants available to its members for specific purposes.
Society membership is a prerequisite for any of these grants. Depending on the type of grant requested, the length of the prerequisite membership period may vary. Applications must be submitted online using the links below. In the case of travel grants, continuous membership is required for at least two years prior to the grant. In the case of student applicants, the prerequisite membership period may be reduced to one year, however, the supervisor of the student applicant must have at least two years of membership at the time of application.
These grants are not an alternative or supplementary source of funding for employers and are not given retrospectively. Among other things, grants allow the Society to use funds not required for operational purposes in furthering the goals of the Society. With regard to project and travel grants, publication of results in one format or another is required as a condition of the grant within 12 months completion of the project or travel for which the grant was given (papers for presentation at the Society's annual conference or publication in the Society's Journal of Hydrology-NZ, newsletter Current, or other suitable scientific journals). A specific form of publication may be specified as a condition of the grant. Project and travel grants are given to reimburse expenses at the completion of the project or travel involved after proof of compliance with grant conditions has been submitted to the Society and found to be acceptable. When the Executive approves travel and project grants, they may mandate additional requirements.
Project Grants
To fund projects that further the science of hydrology and its application in New Zealand or raise the profile of hydrology in New Zealand. Typically, these have been projects carried out by students at New Zealand tertiary institutions as part of Master's level educational programs. However, grants may also be awarded to other worthy projects specific to the science of hydrology in New Zealand.
The Society Executive has typically budgeted on the order of $10,000/year to fund two or three such projects annually. However, the Executive may, at its discretion, spend more or less than that amount, depending on the availability of funds and the number and quality of applications for any given year. Project grants cannot be used to fund ongoing courses of study or travel to attend scientific meetings. Up to $1,000 of the project fund grant may be used to purchase necessary equipment and materials if no other source of funding for them is available; however, the disposition of any still usable residual equipment will be to the grantee's academic department.
Project funds do not cover anyone salaried. The money should be used within 3 years of being awarded. We do not normally fund applications more than $3500. Examples of things funded by project grants are: field-related cost, travel to field sites, lab-related cost, instrumental rental, software renting, buying equipment. Expected outputs are an article for the NZHS eCurrent newsletter (300 words) and a presentation/poster at the annual conferences of the NZHS (complimentary registration will be made available).
For non-student applicants a prerequisite membership period of 1 year is mandatory. In the case of student applicants, the student has to be a financial member at the time of the grant application. Student applicants must be currently enrolled in a New Zealand tertiary institution. Ideally, the supervisor of the student applicant would have at least two years of valid (current) membership at the time of application.
Applications are reviewed by the Executive and decisions on which ones to grant are made at the spring Executive meeting (in late-October or early-November). Applications close by 31 March and 30 September, with decisions made within 6 weeks of the application deadline.
Travel Grants
To fund members to carry out hydrologic research, visit an institution involved with hydrology, attend a conference or similar event, participate in a workshop, or in some other way extend their skills and experience or contribute to the skills and experience of other members in a manner directly relevant to New so Zealand hydrology. We do not normally fund applications greater than $2000. Expected outputs are an acknowledgement of the society's contribution at the presentation and an article for the NZHS eCurrent newsletter (about 300 words).
Travel grants are available to members of the Society with at least two years standing. They are ordinarily for
Graduates (up to two years after a degree has been conferred) to attend a relevant conference in order to present a paper of which they are the primary author where financial assistance is not available elsewhere;
Members to travel overseas to enhance their hydrological skills and experience directly relevant to New Zealand hydrology; or
Members to travel within New Zealand to enhance their hydrologic skills and experience or to assist others in enhancing their hydrologic skills.
Grants for international travel may not exceed 50% of core travel costs. In the case of student applicants, they must be enrolled in a New Zealand tertiary institution. All application should include a valid quote from a travel agent or an online travel agent for full consideration. The grant covers travel from New Zealand to the conference destination and back only. The application should identify other travels separate from core conference travel.
Travel grant applications may be submitted for consideration at any time. Applications close by 31 March and 30 September, with decisions made within 6 weeks of the application deadline.
Reporting Requirements for Project and Travel Grants
Reporting requirements that are a condition of all project and travel grants are as follows:
A brief report on precisely what the grant funds were used for and the outcome of the project or travel that occurred as a result of the grant. To be submitted to the Society Secretary within three months of completion of project work or travel; and
Submittal of a relevant scientific paper detailing the results of the project or travel to the Journal of Hydrology (New Zealand) or other suitable scientific journals within 12 months of completion of project work or travel; or
Presentation of a relevant paper at the Society's annual conference or another suitable scientific conference within 12 months of completion of project work or travel; or
Submittal of a report for publication in the Society's newsletter Current.
In the case of travel grants, copies of paid invoices for actual expenses incurred must be submitted to support the reimbursement under the grant.
At the time a grant is awarded, specific requirements attached by the Society's Executive will be communicated to the grantee in writing as a condition of the grant. The grantee's acceptance of the grant means that the grantee accepts the reporting requirements. All grants will normally be in the form of reimbursement after expenses have been incurred and reporting requirements met. Grants-in-aid of travel will normally be in the form of reimbursement after the applicant has registered for the conference and attended it. However, grants-in-aid of travel may be authorized to be paid in advance at the discretion of the Executive in case of need.