Number 1
Riley, S.J. Some differences between distributing and braiding channels (pages 1-8)
McCammon, R.B. Towards a computer-based information-retrieval system for groundwater data (pages 9-20)
Ibbitt, R.P. Data processing: A review of the Ministry of Works and Development (pages 21-29)
Ibbitt, R.P. Compression of time-series data (pages 30-41)
Aldridge, R. The resultant direction and inclination of rainfall at Taita Experimental Station, New Zealand (pages 42-54)
Aldridge, R. The resultant direction and inclination of rainfall at Arahura, Wairarapa, New Zealand (pages 55-63)
Number 2
Calvert, R.J. History and background of the Clutha schemes (pages 76-82)
Murray, D.L. Regional hydrology of the Clutha River (pages 83-98)
Coombe, I.F.J. Operation of the proposed Upper Clutha power development (pages 99-104)
Lister, R.G. Social effects of the Upper Clutha power scheme (pages 105-110)
Frizzell, R. Land flooding and compensation in the Upper Clutha (pages 111-116)
Cossens, G.G. Clutha Valley soils and water resources development (pages 117-129)
O'Connor, K.F. Multiple resource use in the Upper Clutha Valley (pages 130-145)