Number 1
Carson M.A.; Griffiths G.A. Bedload Transport In Gravel Channels (pages 1-151)
Number 2
Smith P.J.T. Variation of Water Yield From Catchments Under Introduced Pasture Grass and Exotic Forest, East Otago (pages 175-184)
Van Haveren B.P.; Jackson, W.L.; Lusby, G.C. Sediment Deposition Behind Sheep Creek Barrier Dam, Southern Utah (pages 185-196)
Sanson J. Distising Pluviographs (pages 197-209)
Fitzharris B.B. (Report) Symposium on Large Scale Effects of Seasonal Snow Cover (pages 210-211)
Davies T.R.H. (Report) International Symposium on Erosion and Sedimentation in the Pacific Rim (pages 212-213)