Number 1
Coulter, J.D. Easterly and Westerly Rainfalls in Hawke's Bay (pages 3-4)
Toebes, C. The Water Balance (pages 5-9)
Speight, E.J. Protection of Rain Gauges from Freezing (pages 10-12)
Nissen, P.B. Overseas Hydro-Meteorological Practice (pages 12-15)
Campbell, A.P. The Partnership of Hydrology and Meteorology (page 15)
Grant, P.J. Some Hydro-Meteorological Problems Requiring Closer Attention (page 16)
Finkelstein, J. Evaporation in New Zealand (page 17)
Number 2
Simmers, I. Analysis of Some Heavy Rainfalls in the Rangitikei District (pages 23-29)
Morrissey, W.B. The Slackline Cableway as Used in England (pages 30-35)
Toebes, C. A Note on the Use of Infiltration Equations in Infiltration Analysis (pages 36-44)
Grant, P.J. Some Manual Methods of Recording Maximum Water Level (pages 45-49)