Number 1
Bardsley, W.E. Using groundwater for hydro electric power generation (pages 1-14)
Barringer, J.R.F.; Porteous, A.; Salinger, M.J.; Trangmar, B.B. Estimating spatial patterns of wilting point deficit using a water balance model and a geographic information system (pages 42-59)
Number 2
Dravid, D.; Watt, J.; Vincent, K.; Beanland, R. Guest editorial: Current New Zealand irrigation policies: How relevant are they? (pages 63-71)
Watt, J.P.C.; Vincent, K.W.; Dravid, D. Improving irrigation policies: "Designer" irrigation consents and soil hydraulic properties (pages 73-88)
Bardsley, W.E.; Campbell, D.I. Water loading: a neglected factor in the analysis of plezometric time series from confined aquifers (Note) (pages 89-93)
Reinfelds, I. Evidence for high magnitude floods along the Waimakariri River, South Island, New Zealand (pages 95-110)
Painter, D.J.; Larsen, S.H. Effects of season and weather patterns on flood frequency: Hakataramea River, New Zealand (pages 111-128)
Dean, T.J. Review: The IH capacitance probe for measurement of soil water content (pages 129-131)