Volume 4, 1965Â Number 1Editorial (page 1)Morris, J.Y.; O'Loughlin Snow investigations in the Craigieburn Range (pages 2-16)Grant, P.J. Major regime changes of the Tukituki River, Hawkes Bay, since about 1650 A.D. (pages 17-30)Notes (pages 31-38)News (page 39)IHD Bulletin (pages 40-49)Â Number 2 Editorial (page 53)de Leon, P.R.L. Storm average loss rates (pages 64-64)Grant, P.J. The ground waters of the Heretaunga Plains (pages 65-80)Smith, N.R. Note on battery powered heating of Lambrecht Raingauges (pages 81-82)Abstracts (pages 83-89)IHD Bulletin (pages 90-95)
 Number 1Editorial (page 1)Morris, J.Y.; O'Loughlin Snow investigations in the Craigieburn Range (pages 2-16)Grant, P.J. Major regime changes of the Tukituki River, Hawkes Bay, since about 1650 A.D. (pages 17-30)Notes (pages 31-38)News (page 39)IHD Bulletin (pages 40-49) Number 2 Editorial (page 53)de Leon, P.R.L. Storm average loss rates (pages 64-64)Grant, P.J. The ground waters of the Heretaunga Plains (pages 65-80)Smith, N.R. Note on battery powered heating of Lambrecht Raingauges (pages 81-82)Abstracts (pages 83-89)IHD Bulletin (pages 90-95)