Number 1
Duncan, M.J.; Collins, D.B.G. Simple estimation of the effects of runoff on afforestation under different rainfall regimes (pages 1-14)
Davies, T.; Campbell, B.; Hall, B.; Gomez, C. Recent behaviour and sustainable future management of the Waiho River, Westland, New Zealand (pages 41-56)
Number 2
Kerr, T. The contribution of snowmelt to the rivers of the South Island, New Zealand (pages 61-82)
Hendrikx, J.; Harper, A. Development of a National Snow and Ice Monitoring Network for New Zealand (pages 83-95)
McCallum, A. Cone Penetration Testing (CPT): a valuable tool for investigating polar snow (pages 97-113)
Wadworth-Watts, H.D.; Caruso, B.S.; O'Sullivan, A.D.; Clucas, R. A hydrological and nutrient load balance for the Lake Clearwater catchment, Canterbury, New Zealand (pages 115-130)