Number 1
Cattoën, C.; McMillan, H.; Moore, S. Coupling a High-resolution Weather Model with a Hydrological Model for Flood Forecasting in New Zealand (pages 1-24)
White, P.A.; Tschritter, C.; Davidson, P. Groundwater-surface Water Interaction in a Coastal Aquifier System, Wairau Plain, Marlborough, New Zealand (pages 25-44)
Neverman, A.J.; Fuller, I.C.; Procter, J.N. Application of Geomorphic Change Detection (GCD) to Quantify Morphogeological Budgeting Error in a New Zealand Gravel-bed River: A Case  Study From the Makaroro River, Hawke's Bay (pages 45-64)Â
Number 2
Bradsley, E. Preliminary Evaluation of New Zealand Seasonal River Flow Forecasts (Note) (pages 65-68)
Close, M.E.; Humpheries, B. The 2014 National Survey of Pesticides in Groundwater New Zealand (pages 73-88)
Bright, C.E.; Mager, S.M. Contribution of Particulate Organic Matter to Riverine Suspended Material in the Glendu Experimental Catchments, Otago, New Zealand (pages 89-106)
Mager, S.M.; Trevelyan, A.M.; Wilson, P.G.; Kingston, D.G. Quantifying the Amount and Incidence of Fog at a Mid-altitude Site in the Saint Marys Range, Otago, New Zealand (pages 107-120)
Martindale, H.; Morgenstern, U.; Singh, R.; Stewart, B. Mapping Groundwater-surface Water Interaction Using Radon-222 in Gravel-bed Rivers: A Comparative Study with Differential Flow Gauging (pages 121-134)
Cairns, J.A.; Mager, S.M. A Pilot Investigation Into Soil Water Movement in Shallow Subalpine Soils (pages 135-142)